Maisha Matters
‘Maisha’ is the Swahili word for ‘life’,
it matters
The Maisha Matters program empowers Tanzanian families to care for their children. We provide life saving milk support and partner with families to assist them in long-term, sustainable success.
In April 2016, Neema House Geita partnered with Forever Angels Baby Home in Mwanza, Tanzania to implement their evidence-based Maisha Matters Program in Geita Region.
Maisha Matters was implemented with the goal of serving at-risk, starving babies whose mothers have died in childbirth or are too sick with HIV that they are not producing milk to sustain their child. Previously, children in these circumstances were placed at Neema House on a temporary basis to help ensure the children’s health when it was felt that the circumstances were life threatening or the family had no other options. However, our desire to keep children out of institutional care by helping their families to raise them in their own communities.
The Maisha Matters program allows us to support children suffering from severe malnutrition while also empowering their families to care for them at home.