Cleft Lip / Palate Repair

Meet Mary

Mary was 10 years old when her father brought her to Neema House seeking support for her cleft lip. Because of stigma and bullying associated with her cleft lip, Mary was unable to attend school or interact with other children. We assisted Mary in getting surgery to repair her cleft lip and it changed her life. Mary is now accepted by the community will be able to go to school. Her outlook on her future has changed from despair to hope.

Changing lives through surgery

In 2020, Neema House was approached by government officials asking if we could assist children with cleft lips and palates. After investigating resources, we began partnering with Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT), a hospital in Dar es Salaam that offers free cleft lip and palate repair to children who meet the health qualifications.

Neema House Tanzania now works to help ensure the nutrition and health requirements of a child so that they qualify for the cleft repair surgery. We pay for the necessary medical tests prior to the surgery and transport costs to and from Dar es Salaam. After surgery, we will do follow ups to the family's home to ensure that the child is contiuing to heal well.