Our Partners



Borodash's mission is to bring glory to God by raising money for charitable purposes and to provide our community a well-organized Thanksgiving Day family event – a 4-mile walk/run through historic Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

  • Operating to glorify God
  • Raising awareness for specific needs and charities
  • Establishing a well run and organized annual community event
  • Encouraging a family atmosphere
  • Providing an opportunity to express thankfulness

Forever Angels

Forever Angels is a baby home in Mwanza, Tanzania (a few hours away from Geita) that also provide interim care for orphaned and abandoned children in Tanzania and empower their families to care for their children in their homes.

Their Director, Amy Hathaway, is the architect behind the Maisha Matters outreach program and we are proud to consider them partners in our work of serving children and empowering families in Geita.